Marie Julie Bretschneider

roots  german | base  köln I frankfurt | born  1998 | height  1.74 m | eyes  blue| hair  dark blond I education hfmdk frankfurt



We proudly present:

Marie Julie Bretschneider

💥26 Jahre✨
💥geboren in Bad Honnef, NRW ✨
💥hat gerade ihr Schauspielstudium an der Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt am Main abgeschlossen ✨
💥Gastengagements während des Studiums am Schauspiel Frankfurt ✨
💥base: Köln, Frankfurt ✨
💥zuletzt stand sie für den Tatort Frankfurt vor der Kamera✨
💥special skill: Reiten✨

Wir freuen uns sehr auf den gemeinsamen Weg ✈️🎉✨👏🏼💥🔥


Marie Julie Bretschneider was born in Bonn in 1998 and grew up in Bad Honnef on the Rhine. After graduating from high school, she was part of the theater project „Theater Total“ in Bochum for a year. Since 2014, she has been involved in various short film projects as well as television and cinema productions. From 2019 to 2023, she studied acting at the Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst in Frankfurt and has performed in various independent theater projects. 

In the 2022/23 season, she performed at Schauspiel Frankfurt, where she worked with Robert Gerloff and Timofej Kuljabin, among others.

Most recently, she was in front of the camera for TATORT Frankfurt and is shooting the feature film WENN ES BLUTET.