roots angolan | base berlin | born 1992 | height 1.62m | eyes dark-brown | hair black I education universität mozarteum salzburg
We proudly present: Edith Saldanha ❤️
💥 Schauspielstudium am Mozarteum Salzburg, Abschluss 2022
💥 Bereits während des Studiums festes Ensemblemitglied an den Münchner Kammerspielen (2020–2024), seit 2024 freischaffend
💥 base: Berlin
💥 Film & Fernsehen
✨ Helgoland 513 (2024, SKY)
✨ Biohackers (Netflix), uvm.
💥 Theater & Bühne
✨ 4 Jahre Ensemblemitglied an den Münchner Kammerspielen
💥 Auszeichnungen
✨ Nominiert für den Nestroy-Theaterpreis 2022 für Like Lovers Do (Memoiren der Medusa) – Beste Inszenierung im deutschsprachigen Raum
✨ Die Vaterlosen – Einladung zum Theatertreffen 2024
✨ Like Lovers Do (Memoiren der Medusa) – Einladung zum Theatertreffen 2022
💥 Unverwechselbar. Tiefgründig. Strahlend. Edith Saldanha – herzlich willkommen bei CrissCross! ❤️
Edith Saldanha completed their acting training at the renowned Mozarteum Salzburg, graduating in 2022. During their studies, they became a permanent ensemble member at the Münchner Kammerspiele, where they performed in numerous award-winning productions for four years. Since 2024, they have been working as a freelance actor and are based in Berlin.
Currently, Edith stars in the Sky series Helgoland 513, directed by Robert Schwentke (R.E.D., Flightplan).
Another significant milestone in their career was their role in the successful Netflix series Biohackers. The series introduced them to an international audience. They have also appeared in numerous German film and television productions.
From 2020 to 2024, Edith was a permanent ensemble member at the Münchner Kammerspiele, where they appeared in numerous acclaimed productions, including Die Vaterlosen (directed by Jette Steckel), which was invited to the 2024 Theatertreffen, and Like Lovers Do (Memoirs of Medusa) (directed by Pınar Karabulut), which was nominated for the 2022 Nestroy Theater Prize for Best Production in the German-speaking world and was also invited to the Theatertreffen.